In his booklet, The Reason Why, Robert Laidlaw shared how a former president of the New York Scientific Society once gave eight reasons why he believed in God.
"The first one is this. Take ten identical coins and mark them one to
ten, place them in your pocket, then take one out. There is one
chance in ten that you will get number one. Now replace it, and
chances that number two will follow number one are not one in ten,
but one in one hundred. With each new coin taken out the chances that it too will follow in the right order are multiplied by ten, so that
the chance of all ten following in sequence is one chance in ten
George Gallup, the famed American statistician, is reported to have
said, "Take the human body alone—the chance that all the functions of the individual would just happen is a statistical monstrosity."
The bottom line is that belief in God is a choice. For some it's a
faith choice. For others it's a moral choice. Whatever choice it is,
the choice we make will make us. It will also determine our eternal
destiny. Forever.