Don't Blame It On The Children - Author Unknown

Y'know we read in the paper and we hear on the air 
Of killing and stealing and crime everywhere
And we sigh and we say as we notice the trend
This young generation, where will it end
But can we be sure that it's their fault alone
I mean that maybe a part of it isn't our own
Are we less guilty who place in their way
Too many things that lead them astray

Like too much money
Too much idle time
Too many movies of passion and crime
Too many books that are not even fit to be read
Too much evil in what they hear said
and too many children encouraged to roam
By too many parents who won't even stay home

Well! Kids don't make the movies
and they don't write the books
They don't paint gay pictures of gangsters and crooks
They don't make the liquor and they don't run the bars
They don't make the laws and they don't buy the cars
They don't make the junk that addles the brain
That's all done by older folk, greedy for gain

Delinquent teenagers? How we condemn
The sins of a nation and blame it on them
But the laws that are blameless the Savior makes known
Now you tell me who's here among us to cast the first stone
In so many cases its sad but its true
The title DELINQUENT Fits older folk too
So Don't blame it on the children!